


Chemical Peels can be used effectively for a wide range of skin conditions including fine lines and wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, shallow acne scars, sun-damaged skin, age spots, and freckling. Chemical peeling can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, or legs.

During a chemical peel, chemical solutions of varying strengths are carefully brushed onto the skin. The chemicals remove skin cells on the surface of the skin and stimulate the production of new skin cells below. This leaves the skin smoother, less wrinkled, and more youthful in appearance.

We also offer the SilkPeel® Dermalinfusion® System .

A SilkPeel® combines non-invasive exfoliation with deep delivery of patient-specific solutions directly to the skin without the use of crystal or other chemical exfoliants.

SilkPeel is exclusively offered through facilities with medical directors on staff, and isn’t available at a typical day spa or salon. The procedure is non-invasive and even soothing; delivering the results you want without harsh chemicals or uncomfortable treatments.

When you get a SilkPeel, you won’t have any downtime, and don’t have to worry about dealing with irritated or inflamed skin. SilkPeel’s wet exfoliation leaves your skin silky-smooth, hydrated, bright, and full of the youthful, healthy glow that we all desire.

To schedule your no-cost consultation for any of our chemical peels, please call 717-755-4422 or schedule here.